Mooney Family | Spring 2019
It’s been a year already since the Mooneys had their first session with me. We started with a Mother’s Day mini session when Anna was...

Seth & Courtny | Wedding
Happy Resurrection Sunday! I'm just stopping by on this beautiful day of remembrance, worship, and family to finally blog about Seth and...

Raming & Belen: 50th Wedding Anniversary, Philippines
Imagine knowing someone’s every freckle and every wrinkle. Imagine knowing what makes them laugh and what makes them feel. Through all...

2018 Year in Review
Oh, wow, it's already January 4th, and I have yet to recap 2018! My family and I have just arrived back from the Philippines where we...

Felipe & Josalyn | Surprise Proposal Session
When Felipe first contacted me to help him with his surprise proposal, I got so excited! I don’t exactly remember how I met Felipe—I...

Kenny & Katy Oates | My First Wedding Session!
Wow, it's almost been a month since Kenny and Katy had their beautiful wedding down in Georgia—almost a month since I had my first ever...

Defeating Pessimism
A research group once decided to distinguish and define the difference between a pessimist and an optimist. In order to do so, they recruite

Final Prayer Letter from PBC
Hello, I apologize for not writing for some time! It has been a week since I came home from camp, and I’ve been busy helping with our...

PBC Week 4 Prayer Letter
So far, it’s been a lot of fun being PBC's photographer and videographer! I love capturing memories and I love helping soothe the minds...

Resting on Christ to Write my Story––
I'm just writing this post in the hopes that it will encourage someone. “No unbelief made him waver concerning the promise of God, but he...