Felipe & Josalyn | Surprise Proposal Session

When Felipe first contacted me to help him with his surprise proposal, I got so excited! I don’t exactly remember how I met Felipe—I think it was through another friend or coworker last year, but I remember being there when Felipe and Josalyn’s relationship became official! A few days before the proposal, I kept seeing Josalyn and her brother around school, and I just felt like I had the biggest secret in the world!
As Felipe and I worked the details out, I got to hear some of his plan, and we finalized his outfit and location. (Side note: I've been learning a lot recently that outfit planning is so important for a shoot. Color schemes and style really aid in establishing your brand.) He had chosen the Rock Quarry Garden where Josalyn's dad actually took my junior-senior banquet pictures back in high school, so I thought that was funny!
On the day of the proposal, I arrived at the location extra early so I could scout out the area. Apparently the location is very popular because there was a wedding just finishing up when I arrived (they thought I was their photographer) and some more sessions went on later on. It was pretty cool, talking with the wedding planner and some other photographers to coordinate access to the bridge—I felt like an actual photographer, which I guess I am now, haha!
Felipe's proposal idea was actually the sweetest. He had planned to propose on the bridge to symbolize the next step in their relationship—the connection of their lives and the unification of their roots, his roots being Colombian and hers being primarily American. As someone from across the globe as well and an advocate for fellow immigrants, this just captured my heart!!
At around 3:30, both Felipe and I waited eagerly for Josalyn's arrval with their friend Clara—they were running a little bit behind, but it was actually good because I was repeatedly praying in my heart for the sun to go down! It was a perfect day, but the sun stubbornly shone in its full glory. As we stood anxiously beside the bridge (not sure who was more nervous—Felipe or me!), I spotted Clara's yellow punch-buggy (dream car, btw), and Felipe and I quickly dove out of sight into the bushes. And, this was when I fell on my face. I knew photography was dangerous; I mean, you shoot people, right?😉 But man, oh man, when I dove into those bushes, I didn't realize there was an incline, and I just couldn't hold myself up! Thankfuly, I was fine, the camera was safe, and no one spotted us (or so I thought; Clara told us later on that she did see us). The thing is, the public road is above the park and so anyone looking down could spot us.
Felipe originally planned to have Josalyn coming down from the steps near the bridge (see proposal shot to see the steps), but because Josalyn and Clara got turned around, Josalyn ended up entering where I was planning to hide (behind where Felipe was going to kneel). This forced me out of my hiding hole into a different angle, which worked out tremendously to my advantage. I had been testing these numerous angles for 30 min before Josalyn's arrival, but the sun was so finicky that behind the bush seemed pretty good at the time. The angle I actually ended up using was perfect as it gave me height and a full view of Josalyn's face, the ring, and Felipe's profile. And, I still had a bush to hide behind! (Side note: It's great to practice numerous angles just in case something unexpected like this happens! Also, feel free to direct events like these, as I made sure Felipe wouldn't propose in the middle of the bridge where the sun was brighlty shining. I also emphasized that Josalyn had to be in the shadow of the bridge so that her facial highlights would not get blown out.)
As the actual proposal started roling, I felt like I was in a movie or in the Youtube video I had just watched the previous day about photographing a proposal, where a spectator kept asking, "Is this real?!" I was grinning idiotically behind the camera while keeping myself alert of every slight movement—I honestly felt like a fox or something as I sprung out of my hiding spot and glided into different positions😂. Josalyn expressed, "YES!" with a huge smile on her face and the nearby bridal party clapped enthusiastically. And I remembered, it's moments like these that I want to capture and keep forever.
I'm so grateful to have experienced my first surprise proposal session with such a sweet couple! What genuine love they have and so easy to photograph! I cannot wait to see what God has in store for you, Josalyn and Felipe!
Till next time, friends!
Always made with joy,
Abby Joy Marasigan | abby joy studio