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Resting on Christ to Write my Story––

I'm just writing this post in the hopes that it will encourage someone.

“No unbelief made him waver concerning the promise of God, but he grew strong in his faith as he gave glory to God, fully convinced that God was able to do what he had promised.” (Romans 4:20-21)

Last summer, my boss Miss Mardi Collier shared this verse with me when I wanted additional assurance about my salvation. I was a little confused about the last part, “fully convinced...” but studying it a year later, with a year’s worth of different challenges, I now read this verse with more clarity and even a new perspective.

Before, I focused mostly on the part about God keeping His promise—to cleanse and accept me as His child. But this verse has now become even more meaningful when I read “he grew strong in his faith AS HE GAVE GLORY to God.”

I like planning every detail of my life, but sometimes I’m just lost🤷🏻‍♀️. Fortunately, God has made more than one promise to us—He promises to know our story from the beginning to the end and to be with us as He guides us through it, pain and all. Going back to the beginning of the verse allows me to remember that one way I can keep from doubting His plan is by FOCUSING on glorifying Him, instead of pouting in my self-centeredness.

Once you rest on this specific promise of God and surrender your life to focus on Him alone, you have such indescribable peace about everything!!! ☺️❤️

Made with Joy,

Abby Joy

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