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2018 Year in Review

Oh, wow, it's already January 4th, and I have yet to recap 2018! My family and I have just arrived back from the Philippines where we celebrated the holidays, and I'm a bit jetlagged. I slept in till 4pm today and am writing this blogpost at 9pm!😅

Looking back at 2018, I would describe the year as emotionally-trying, adventurous, and a time of girl-bossing and lots of growth. Down below is a list of things I did not forsee. Towards the beginning of the year, I was struggling with some things I brought on myself, and I had a fluctuating gloomy perception in and out of the blessings God was handing me. I would rather just forget about that sad part of my year, but that wouldn't be authentic. Evaluating the year's timeline though, I can see that that bump on the road was really just a bump, not a mountain. God has always proven Himself faithful and gracious, and I am thankful that even in the midst of any sort of discouragement, I know He is there with me and will not leave me (Deut. 31:6)! I write this list not to boast of my accomplishments but to remind myself of how much GREATER my God's plan is compared to what I can see or feel at the moment! Also a quick reminder that social media highlights our bests and not necessarily our worsts❤️

END OF 2017:

  • I started doing free photo shoots with friends just for fun. I was just trying to find my style. 

  • I scheduled my first family session and learned A LOT from it. 


  • Friendship was definitely emphasized this past year. Being in college makes you prioritize quality time with friends. It makes you realize who you really value and who values you. 

  • Second semester was the peak of my struggles. (I think Satan definitely uses time of idleness to get us. Notice that at this time, I wasn't actively doing a lot of things. It was in April & May, when I was able to put my mind and effort into something else besides myself, that God pushed me out of that rut.) 


  • I joined the Greenville ADDY Awards and placed in 2 categories.

  • I turned in my portfolio for sophomore check.

  • I started shooting a lot for BJU because of Bible Conference. 

  • I celebrated my 21st birthday!


  • I passed my sophomore check!

  • My friends and I adulted on our first vacation together in Charleston, where we planned every single detail from our AirBnB down to condiments brought!


  • I started regularly attending a new church where I made a close friend. 

  • Abby Joy Studio photo sessions picked up as I did a prom photoshoot giveaway with such a well-dressed couple.

  • I also met a couple of beautiful seniors for their graduating photos. 

  • To celebrate my parents' anniversary, I did a photo session with them!

  • This month I started exploring Greenville more as I tried finding picturesque places for my sessions. 

  • In effect, I designed some shirts for a school thing which didn't work out, so I used it to my advantage. My Explore More Greenville t-shirts came to life—All by myself, I designed, looked at marketing and financial information, advertised, ordered, and then delivered in order to pay off my summer expenses. Walking to Dunham Graphics the day my order was ready was one my *proudest girl boss moments!* I had raised enough money to pay for my round trip ticket to PBC, Utah. 


  • I had my first engagement session, unbeknownst to me! I started experimenting with the golden hour and it did not disappoint.

  • Just 2 days before I left for my art study abroad trip, I decided to book 2 family sessions. Fastest editing yet! *Another girl boss moment*

  • I left for Europe. It was my first time traveling abroad without my parents! For 3 weeks, we stayed in Barcelona, Spain and then cruised around to Florence, Rome, Naples, Italy; Cannes, France; and Palma Mallorca, Spain! I didn't know anyone of the trip and I struggled clicking with anyone at first, but this trip was good for the soul. I think God used it to flip a switch. 


  • A week after getting back from Europe, I packed up and left for Utah to be a camp photographer! I made new friends from all sorts of different backgrounds and was reminded of God's sovereignty. 


  • I started Junior year with brighter optimism! 

  • I headed up the University's Vintage yearbook as the Design Editor! I became greater friends with our Copy Editor.


  • I photographed my first wedding which was 2 hours away in Georgia! 


  • Umm, these months flew by😂 I don't remember what important things happened besides lots of late nights in Vintage till 4 am and me sleeping at my friend's house. 

  • Oh, I shot my first surprise proposal here! 

  • I also photographed a returning family at this time😁


  • I survived first semester!!!

  • A day after exams, I got my braces off!

  • I also packed madly for our trip to the Philippines the next day.

  • I spent Christmas and New Year's on the islands of the Philippines🌴 Here's a mini recap—I revisited old memories and formed new ones. I loved muchly my cousins, aunts, and uncles. I shot a wedding, my grandparents' 50th anniversary restating of the vows. I took part in that wedding! I slept in five different hotels. I flew in six different planes. I shopped at six shopping centers, some more than once. I drove six hours on a zig zaggy road and did not throw up. I rode in a car, a taxi, a grabcar, a plane, a tricycle, a boat. I swam with fishies. I ate too much food. I tried bird nest’s soup with bird saliva (what). I dyed my hair blonde (kind of not on purpose)😏. I reconnected relationships. I learned how to beast at pool (debatable). But with all the good things comes obstacles—I took things for granted. I caught a virus, fevered up, and used a lot of tissues. I celebrated a hot christmas and new year. I showered in cold water. I smuggled toilet paper to restrooms. I got a little grossed out by some things... Overall, however, my time in my birthplace was more than i anticipated! I honestly loved the thrill of being pushed out of my comfort zone, although a little hard. I knew God was trying to teach me something each time: trust, patience, humility, gratefulness, generosity. I valued family more than ever and was overjoyed to have met some of my family whom I had never met before!💕

And it wasn’t just in December that I cherished family time. This whole year, I learned to love. Believe it or not, no matter how much I watch cute chick-flicks and enjoy match-making, I’m actually someone who reserves “I love you’s” and hugs. This year, though, I developed closer relationships with my parents and friends, and I wouldn’t trade that growth for anything less💛

So, yep, that was my 2018! At first, I didn't want to publish this because of the possibility of it turning into a bragimony (bragging testimony) but I want it to help future-me and others. No, it's not guaranteed that you'll suddenly start traveling the world after some personal struggle. You may not even be struggling through anything in the first place. It's also not mandatory to work at camp in order to be reminded of God's sovereignty. But you know what is necessary? An attitude of perseverance and trust. You have to keep pushing and trusting God that He will carry you through, whether it be out of a something or towards something, a dream or a life goal. It may take a month, a year, or even years, but it's all in God's hands. I would say that praying to God is something that I need to do more, but I do remember distinctly praying for each of the bullet points above (thanks to my parents who have raised me in that prayerful manner). Praying to Him sincerely develops our trust in Him and produces contentment with any results that may come about (I John 5:14-15, James 4:3). 

I don't know what God has for me this 2019, but I am EXCITED!!! There is just something different about this year. God, I humbly choose You to keep being my Author and writing my story, one page at a time. 

Always Made with Joy,

Abby Joy 

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