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Europe Day 9: Friday, May 18 (Cannes)

7:50 am Woke up because we were eating breakfast at 8:20 to ride a little boat from the ship to get to the island of Cannes, France

The Cannes Movie Festival was going on this week apparently, which is so cool. We didn't have a tour today so we decided to stick with Mrs. Radford, but I really just wanted to explore on my own, but alas, I had no GPS. The first few stores were adorable with colorful windchimes and hats. We went around and even through a highway to find a Starbucks, lol. Although I didn't get coffee, I did enjoy their wifi😉. When we finally got to the downtown area, I bought some shell earrings to remind me Naples and Cannes. The others went on ahead so I'm glad Yani stayed since she's European. We eventually caught up with them to eat at McDonald's.

After lunch, we strolled through a flea market that had handmade soaps, antique Louis Vuitton bags, and the prettiest dainty jewelry which were 40 Euros each😔. Yani, Kerrie, and I got left behind again when we decided to stop at a cute beachy boutique, but at this point, I really didn't care anymore (and Kerrie also had a GPS)😆—this was the cutest city I've been to so far, and I didn't want to lose my chance of exploring!

There was a museum filled with old tribal gear and musical instruments that we paid to get into, not because of the artifacts but because they claimed to have the highest view of Cannes, and the small fee was truly worth the sight!

After climbing up and down the steep steps at the tower, we meandered our way to Boulangerie Patisserie where I ordered a massive raspberry macaron with actual fresh raspberries. It honestly was the best macaron I have ever tasted in my life😳—I'm craving it right now as I write about it! I had to eat the rest of it standing up because we got kicked out of the bakery. . . unbeknownst to me, a person cannot order "take away" and proceed to sit at the bakery, because he has not paid the required taxes😐. Oh well, at least I got some cute shots beforehand, haha!

The last boat heading to the ship was departing at 5:00 pm, so our group ended up being at the beach at 4:10 pm, which I was really bummed about. There was so much left to explore! To remember the adventures we did have, I asked Yani to go with me to the first shop we went to, the one with the beautiful windchimes. Despite the price, I purchased one with a mint fish and seashells which truly captures my aesthetic😁.

Before dinner, I sat on Deck 18 to write this in my journal, and that's where I almost lost my hearing when the ship's foghorn blew 3 times! For dinner, we ate at the Garden Cafe before heading to the bowling alley. The wait was a little longer than expected and the one free lane was malfunctioning so the hostess gave us a free second round! I'd like to think she did it because seeing us college girls having so much fun reminded her of her younger days☺️.

Of course, no night ends with Dark Stories, lol. I'm surprised I didn't have nightmares. Cannes was amazing, and I deem it my favorite city that we've been to. If I have to compare it to anywhere, I'd compare it to Naples, FL meets Charleston with a hint of Myrtle Beach. If I knew French (and had the money), I'd move there in a heartbeat.


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Abby Joy

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