PBC Week 2 Prayer Letter

Hi, everyone!
Thank you so much for praying this week for me; I could feel every single prayer. I didn’t get to write last week, but I truly did enjoy my first week as PBC’s photographer. I didn’t get to interact with the campers as much since I was so focused on my job. This week, however, I wanted to make sure I actually talked and ate with them—that’s why I was a bit behind on my video this week. I started on Thursday and on Friday, when I was almost done, my computer kept bugging me to clear up my start-up disk, so that’s what I did. . . and that’s when I accidentally deleted all my iMovie projects. I tried recovering them but there wasn’t a good software online for free, and the longer I looked, I knew that I was just wasting time searching. Thank the Lord that He lead me to keep all the video footages from this week on my camera! God kept me calmer than I could’ve been and after a tear, He helped me redo everything. Surprisingly, the second time around went by faster since I already knew what clips to look for.
Another thing that tried my trust in God was when I emailed BJU for my transcript because I needed it for a scholarship application due today. They immediately responded saying that since I owed BJU a lot of money for my summer class in Europe, they weren’t allowed to release my transcript. This came as a shock to me because before our trip, I checked with HR to make sure being a tution-benefitted child meant that summer classes were free, and they said my class would be covered. After some stressful phone calls, they gave me my transcript in time for my scholarship application.
I wasn’t expecting any of these things to happen, but that’s how God works! He brings the unexpected to remind us that He’s always in control, and although, it’s hard, I know I need the reminder.
Overall, this week went by slowly, yet quickly. I was able to sit with one of the cabins for a couple of meals and go to the lake with the girls, which was a lot of fun! I attended this week’s campfire service where kids were able to throw a pinecone into the fire and share what they learned. A couple about adoption were especially meaningful to me; one child mentioned how his sisters were adopted but that part of their story was done and was just a minor piece in their story compared to the true love they now all had for each other. He contrasted it to how God adopted us and now sees us as His true children. One staff member actually shared about her own adoption and about how grateful she was that her parents, similar to God, loved her enough to adopt such a wretched child. One of the girls shared about how she is learning to overcome her fear of trusting people. However, she didn’t mention about trusting God, and this morning her counselor told me that the girl wasn’t saved. Please pray that this girl, who doesn’t have the best home life, will remember this week of camp and realize that she can rely on God.
While last week was for 7th-9th graders, this week is called Young Adventures which is for younger kids. Please pray that I’ll be able to have at least one opportunity to ask about a child’s testimony.
Thank you again for your support!
If you’d like to see any photos or the video this week, check our Facebook and Instagram @pbcutah.
Made with Joy,
Abby Marasigan